SOLO assessment for PE, Teamwork and Relationships.

For my P.E, teamwork and relationships SOLO rubric, I have rated myself extended abstract for both. I have written down why I rated myself this. Here is my rubric..

For my P.E part of the SOLO assessment I said "When I first joined the Winter Sport team for Netball, I didn't really know most of the year 5's, but I quickly learnt all their names and when I pass the ball I cant actually say their name while passing. When I joined the team I had no idea how to play. My friend gave me some tips! I come to practices with my team and participate actively."
For my Teamwork and Relationship I said that "I work well with my teammates at whatever game we are playing, I take fair goes whether its taking turns being 'it' or taking turns being A in Netball. I can help people in my Basketball because I have more experience and also for my netball, I can help with shooting."

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